Assignment task:
Why do people tend to view the world from a single perspective?
How does viewing the world from a single perspective limit our understanding of situations?
What are the benefits of reframing?
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Chapter 1: Making sense of organizations. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership (6 ed.). (pp. 3 - 25).
Next, complete the Leadership Orientations self-assessment
Discuss the benefits of reframing.
Provide a brief description of your leadership orientation results.
Reflect on your leadership orientation results by completing the following statements:
In order to get ahead in organizations, I always...
As a leader, I like to ...
When faced with conflict, I usually...
My strengths as a manager include...
Reflect on how reframing may be useful to you in your current role as a leader or manager. Consider how reframing may support student success or employee success in your current or future educational setting. Need Assignment Help?