Assignment task:
Foundations of Youth and Family Ministry
Parent Presentation on Youth Culture
Assessment Description:
For the PowerPoint presentation, include at least eight slides with each slide providing at least one credible reference (biblical or otherwise). This presentation should touch on these topics:
1. Why parents should be aware of the changing culture in which their children are immersed in, but still understand the universal needs of people in an ever-changing cultural environment.
2. Biblical examples of cultural engagement
3. Leading current cultural influences on young people, with specific examples of the messages being transmitted.
4. How parents can engage culture together with their children at the three different stages of adolescence.
5. Any other pertinent topics
When your preparation is complete, anyone should be able to pick up the final product and present the information to an audience. Place the lesson plan text in the notes section of the PowerPoint presentation so that it can be viewed along with the actual slides that are created.
Setup a lesson plan that includes the following:
1. Timeline of presentation with instructor cues.
2. An outline of speaking points that go beyond the basic data on the slides. (Keep in mind that only poor presenters read their slides when they do a presentation. These speaking points fill in the details, anecdotes, and general pedagogical assistance).
3. Any creative learning activities that may help your presentation (e.g., group discussion questions, handouts, video clips, music).