
Why ought we have or not have the xl pipeline please use

Persuasive Speech

A Persuasive Speech is meant to influence audience members' attitudes, beliefs, values, and/or behavior by appealing to some combination of their needs, desires, interests, and even fears (344).


Topic Selection: For this assignment, you are to pick a subject that you would like to research and present on. Refer to chapter 7 of the textbook for more concrete details on topic selection. By the due date, please submit to me in no less than 1 page, double-spaced proposal with the following components:

1). Topic,
2). A 250 word (minimum) background on your topic (who, what, when, where, and why),
3). A concise question, and
4). A list of 2 peer-reviewed, academic sources that you may use in your speech.

This component of the assignment does not contribute to your overall grade, but failure to complete this assignment means you will be ineligible to write an outline and give a speech. The key to a successful topic proposal is a narrow scope (i.e. do not propose to talk about "Oil" but rather "Why ought we have or not have the XL Pipeline"). Please use the document guidelines set out for the informative speech topic selection. In addition, please see the syllabus and abide by requirements for submitting assignments (font, margins, etc).

I am requiring that all Persuasive speeches fit into the theme of "Justice", therefore tell me how the topic fits this ideal.

* Justice is the philosophical theory by which fairness is administered


We should eat at local restaurants/with local products as often as we can

Outline: Prior to the first day of speeches, you will turn in a working outline for your presentation. Refer to chapter 13 (specifically, pages 203-207 titled "Sample Speaking Outline") of the textbook for more concrete details about speaking outlines. A speaking outline will both help you prepare and allow me to have a roadmap in my mind of what you are doing so that I can better assess your presentation. Please take this assignment seriously, because I will be grading it in detail. You must complete this document in full sentences.

Speech: The bulk of this assignment will be your persuasive presentation. On one of the assigned days, you will deliver a 7-9 minute speech. You must stay within this timeframe. This speech should include at least 5 citations and 2 must come from an academic, peer-reviewed source. In addition, you will be required 1-2 visual aids. You will be allowed to use 1-2 notecards to help you remember the content of your speech, but you must deliver it extemporaneously. These notecard should only contain keywords (no complete sentences) except in the case that you are using a quote. You will turn in these note cards after you present. PowerPoints are optional and do not have to count for your visual aid.

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Other Subject: Why ought we have or not have the xl pipeline please use
Reference No:- TGS02470840

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