Assignment task: A 65-year-old patient underwent left hip replacement surgery 3 days ago and is currently recovering on the surgical unit; the patient has a history of diabetes mellitus. She continues on her ordered glargine subcutaneously once per day but now must use supplemental regular insulin subcutaneously until she sees the surgeon in 6 weeks. She is also going home on warfarin 5 mg orally for 4 weeks. The nurse provides health teaching for the patient and family in preparation for her discharge.
"Do not mix the glargine and regular insulin in the same syringe."
"You may store the insulin in the refrigerator if not in use."
"Inject the insulin when it is cold from the refrigerator."
"Rotate the insulin injection sites between the abdomen and outer thigh."
"There is no need to check your urine or stool for blood."
"Be careful with OTC medications such as aspirin and herbal additions such as garlic and ginger."
"Inspect your injection sites every day for increased redness, heat, or drainage; if any of these are present, call your surgeon immediately."