1. Subjectivism, Relativism, and Ethical Egoism: What exactly is the distinction between subjectivism and ethical relativism, and why might we be tempted to think that either might be correct? Is there a parallel distinction between ethical egoism and psychological egoism? Why or why not?
2. Consequentialism: What exactly is the Principle of Utility? Do you think that John Stuart Mill's account of Utilitarianism was more successful in providing a basis for moral action than that of Jeremy Bentham's account? Why or why not??
3. Divine Command Theory and Kantian Deontology: How is the Divine Command Theory's account of duty different from Kant's account of the Categorical Imperative? Do you think that Kant is able to offer a more persuasive basis for the rational justification of following moral duty than the Divine Command Theory? Why or why not?