
Why make such a big deal out of human differences were all

Directions: Each statement (below) represents in some way a perspective of diversity in America today; consider that the topic of each remark is our federal judiciary, the business community, K-12 education, higher education, and/or American media sources.

Read the below statements. As you progress, mark whether you Approve or Disapprove of the statement. Then, in any order, write an explanation as to why, in your opinion, the statement is appropriate or ill advised. Where needed, suggest a revised remark or comment that might better reflect your judgment of the issue.

The goal here is not to persuade, but to be able to express your analysis clearly and concisely.

Perspectives on Diversity in America

1.I don't have enough time to comprehend all these new ideas and content. Besides, people in their profession who are directly affected can handle diversity issues better by themselves. I prefer not to be involved.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

2.I really don't plan on working in that sector. Besides, I won't be in an area with a large ethnic or racial population, so diversity won't be an issue to me or my employer.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

3.I am concerned with American children and youth becoming pluralistic, but I am more concerned with whether they can qualify for college or do a good job in the work force.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

4.Why make such a big deal out of human differences? We're all Americans here. We don't need to emphasize diversity and pluralism. We just need to learn to contribute to the U.S. economy and not be supported by it.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

5.The more time we spend studying multiculturalism, the more we will really be promoting separatism rather than uniting all of our citizenry. I went though the system when there was no multicultural focus and I don't think I was limited by it.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

6.America is a melting pot. Everyone has an equal chance. If you want to make it in this country, all you need is a little desire and initiative.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

7.Why focus on diversity and how everyone in America is different? Besides, more than 90% of all human characteristics are alike, not different.

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

8.I recognize that America is a diverse country. Aren't we doing a good enough job getting along as it is? Why do we need to go the next step and expect to be a pluralistic society?

Approve ______ Don't approve ______ Why? __________________

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Dissertation: Why make such a big deal out of human differences were all
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