After reading "Bioterror: Anthrax, Influenza, and the Future of Public Health Security" by R. W. Johnstone
Prepare a 500 to 750 word written summary regarding the degree to which the U.S. is prepared for dealing with acts of bio-terror and / or infectious pandemic outbreaks.
Your summary should clearly indicate both your position as to which potential specific threat is most probable, in terms of our vulnerabilities, as well as your assessment as to the means / methods by which you believe such attacks could be carried out and how they might mitigated in terms of both response and public health consequences.
Your positions need be clearly justified.
Work should be a minimum of 500 words and should utilize APA formatting.
Legal and Ethical Issues Surrounding Physician- Assisted Suicides
Describe some of the legal and ethical issues surrounding physician-assisted suicides. What implications does it have on health services managers and health economics as a whole?
Assignments are to be a minimum of 2 full pages of text and 3 reputable references in proper APA format.
Can Technology Save Sears?
Read Can Technology Save Sears?
Create a four-page paper, including the title and reference page, addressing the strategy and answering the case study questions. Use APA for citations and reference section. The paper should have an introduction, background, discussion, and conclusion. The case study
questions can be added to the discussion section. Format the assignment as follows:
Discussion questions