Why it is important to that religion

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Text Book: RELG- World by Robert E. Van Voorst.

Read Chapter 2 on indigenous religions.

a) Pick one religion from this reading and select a location that is of some importance to that religion. In 100 words, describe where it is, what it is, and why it is important to that religion. Include a link to a photograph of the location. Remember to give credit to the "owner" of the image by including information (much like in your paper references) regarding the origin of the image.

b) In 150 words, describe one teaching from one of the faiths studied in this readings that you feel might have some relevance to your own life. Be careful to explain what the teaching is and why you feel it is relevant.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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History: Why it is important to that religion
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