Team Building
You will learn about team building and why it is an important skill for managers and leaders.
Identify two groups you belong to or have belonged to; the groups can be personal or work-related.
Based on your observations of how the groups function and the interactions among the groups' members, response to the below:
• What was the composition of each group?
• What types of groups were they?
• Were the values and mission of the group apparent? How?
• Were the operational objectives or mission of the group supported by the individuals? How?
• What were the attitudes of individual members to being a part of a group? Were they committed and compliant? Were they resistant?
• Was there a leader and was the leader effective? What made the leader effective or ineffective?
• Do you feel the leader was respectful of group's members? Why or why not?
• How would you rate the communication effectiveness of the group? Explain.
• What motivated you to join the group and stay with or leave it? Explain.
• What role did you play in the group?
• Was the group cohesive? What made it cohesive or noncohesive?
• Were there any barriers to collaboration? If so, what were they?
• Would you consider these groups to be successful? If so, what characteristics of a successful group did they possess? If not, which characteristics did they lack?