
Why is this location-place important to you in your life


I need assistance on geographical location/place that is important to you personally in Canada, and the place is in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Pay attention to the land base in the region. Ideally, the place Toronto, Ontario has been formative in my upbringing or in my contemporary life and has played a role in shaping who I am, or becoming as a person. This place is a beautiful city where I enjoy living here since I arrived in Canada.

I need assistance in research/answer the following questions for the location of Toronto, Ontario and provide in your answers in a written document that includes an introduction and conclusion. The approximate length of the written can be up to eight hundred words.

A. Where is the Toronto located geographically (town, province, coast, etc.)? What is the land of Toronto and/or the environment like here? What is the name of the place if it has one? What resources are on this land or close to it? Consider people, minerals, wood, water, soil etc.

B. Why is this location/place important to you in your life? How has this place shaped me as a person living in Toronto, Ontario?

C. Upon whose Indigenous territory is the place of Toronto located? If applicable, what treaty is the land/place affiliated with? Are there any land claims, or modern treaties associated with this land? If so, what are they and why are they important? If not explain where you looked and why there is not (the Native Land Digital Map can be a helpful resource).

D. List the closest First Nation, Inuit or Metis communities located to this place of Toronto, Ontario. If there are no communities closely located, please find another interesting cultural or historical point you can share about the Indigenous peoples whose land and territory you share an appreciation for.

E. In what ways has the colonization of Turtle Island impacted this land? Consider environmental, geographical, spiritual, and cultural factors.

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Reference No:- TGS03329563

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