
Why is this a significant person or event in history what


1. Read The European and colonial empires.

2. Select one of the historical events or historic figures that are introduced in this chapter, e.g., Suez Crisis 1956, Khalifat Movement 1919-1923, the French experience in Algeria and Tunisia, Mahatma Fandhi, the Atlantic Charter, etc..., and do a bit of research on the event. You can search for readings at Google, or watch a documentary on Netflix or Youtube. The choice is yours.

3. Write about the person or event that you selected. In roughly 750 words tell us:

1. What or who you selected
2. Why is this a significant person or event in history?
3. What you believe are the most important facts that other people should know about this person or event.
4. Conclusion.

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History: Why is this a significant person or event in history what
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