
Why is there a variation in tidal ranges


Earth's Dynamic Ocean and Atmosphere I Worksheet

From Visualizing Earth Science, by Merali, Z., and Skinner, B. J, 2009, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Copyright 2009 by Wiley. Adapted with permission.

Part 1

Sections 12.1 and 12.2 of the text discuss the origin and composition of the world ocean's seawater.

1. What is the current theory on the evolution of the world ocean?
2. Discuss the origin of the salinity of seawater and how the ocean maintains salinity.

Part 2

Surface currents obtain their energy from the wind blowing over the surface waters. The currents do not exactly follow the wind direction because of an apparent force known as the Coriolis force. Using Figure 12.11 from the text, briefly explain surface currents of the world ocean and how the Coriolis force affects this movement in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Part 3

Figure 13.3 in the textbook helps visualize how tides are developed. In 150 words, answer the following:

1. What role does theMoon,Sun, and inertia play in the development of tides?
2. Why is there a variation in tidal ranges?

Part 4

Oceanfront land is considered prime real estate. Private owners and government projects take a number of different steps to protect land and property. Discuss some of the techniques and structures used to prevent loss of property due to erosion. Are these methods successful?


Global atmospheric circulation organizes itself into three convection cells that interlock like gears. These convection cells are shown in Chapter 6-see Figure 6.1-of the text. They play a major role in the locations of the deserts shown in Chapter 15-see figure 15.12-of the text. Name these convection cells and describe the role they play in global atmospheric circulation.

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