
Why is the psqrd a useful framework for research and

Question 1. The ONC-sponsored Standards & Interoperability Framework completes its health IT standards development initiatives using:

consensus-based decision making through a moderated online wiki.
monthly conference calls of volunteers working on each initiative.
surveys sent out to provider organizations working on EHR implementation.
face-to-face work teams assembled to work on each initiative.

Question 2. Think aloud protocol is a method for generating rich data when users talk aloud as they use a product. This method is used: (Select all that apply.)

during initial product development.
during mature product design.
after the product is released.
after the product is used.

Question 3. When evaluating quality and patient safety, which approach defines the framework for Patient Safety and Quality Research Design (PSQRD)?

Outcomes are driven mainly by Meaningful Use directives.
Consideration of current managerial processes has no effect on patient outcomes.
Patient safety is best achieved by minimizing changes to existing processes.
Quality and safety are based on organization structure, management and clinical processes, and their linkages to patient outcomes.

Question 4. Which activities represent dimensions of the National Health Service's Informatics Capability Maturity Model? (Select all that apply.)

Clinical documentation
Managing information
Using business intelligence
Aligning business and informatics

Question 5. Which groups are relevant stakeholders for health IT governance? (Select all that apply.)

IT department
Quality department
Health services researchers

Question 6. A nurse gives a patient the wrong drug. This is an example of an error of:


Question 7. Which organization works on an international level to improve information privacy?

Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights
Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration (HISPC)
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Question 8. Which components are necessary for effective health IT governance? (Select all that apply.)

Organizational structures for clinical processes
Organizational structures responsible for clearly defining institutional priorities
Organizational structures responsible for ensuring that informatics efforts are aligned with institutional priorities and optimally utilized
Accompanying processes to operationalize the governance

Question 9. To achieve the goals of the HIMSS Nursing Informatics Position Statement, all nurses should:

draft health IT policy.
run for political office.
participate in advocacy and educational efforts directed to policymakers.
develop innovative technologies.

Question 10. A unit has been experiencing a high rate of patient falls for the past three months. According to Donabedian's model, patient falls would be considered:


Question 11. A vendor provided all advanced practice registered nurses with free mobile devices to stimulate referrals. Which regulation is being violated?

The Anti-Kickback Statute
The Stimulus Act

Question 12. A nurse uses a CDS system to make an informed clinical decision regarding a drug dosage ordered for a patient. According to Donabedian's model, this would be considered:


Question 13. Why is the PSQRD a useful framework for research and practice?

It explains why using computer applications is the best way to support better patient outcomes.
It supports implementation, performance improvement, and rigorous research methodologies.
It ensures successful implementation of a clinical process change.
It increases communication among clinical staff.

Question 14. Which terminology contains nursing problems? (Select all that apply)
Logical Observations Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC)
Omaha System

Question 15. Task analysis is a collection of many different techniques. You can use task analysis to: (Select all that apply.)

conduct the think aloud protocol.
analyze users' cognitive processes.
observe workflow in a cardiology clinic.
determine crucial errors with CPOE.

Question 16. Which example constitutes an internal security event?

Servers containing clinical data were stolen from a facility.
A person hacks into a facility's server and steals PHI electronically.
A person installs a malicious code past a facilities firewall.
A system administrator installed a new server without any security measures.

Question 17. Why is it difficult to establish effective health IT governance?

Fundamentally, effective governance means that some stakeholders' informatics needs will need to be de-prioritized.
here is too much literature available on the topic, making it difficult to choose which approach to follow.
So few activities within a healthcare organization involve informatics.
No stakeholder wants to have a say in how informatics resources are leveraged.

Question 18. Well-defined policies are necessary to ensure that: (Select all that apply.)

confidentiality of protected health information is safeguarded.
accurate cost accounting occurs.
data capture is being automated.
clinical decision support is adopted.

Question 19. An important component of the informatics infrastructure is:

establishment and adoption of standards to support semantic interoperability.
defined standard value sets, groupings, aligners, and attributes.
organizations enabled to set individual standards for quality measurement and reporting.
variation in the types of data used to populate the quality metrics.

Question 20. The Center to Champion Nursing in America envisions a healthcare system where:

best practices need to be developed.
quality care is increasing in targeted areas.
nurses are expanding their capabilities.
all Americans have access to high-quality care.

Question 21. Which of these best describes an example of usability?

The IT department is surveying your unit to determine the placement of new computer workstations.
A researcher is conducting a study of how nurses interact with electronic documentation to organize care handoffs.
The leadership in your institution is asking for your help to determine oncology patient flow across regional institutions.
The administration has asked you to take responsibility for orientation of new hires and the retraining of selected current employees on use of the automated medication administration system because there have been a consistent number of user errors.

Question 22. You are part of a knowledge management team that is interested in improving the user experience for your organization.

The team members know you have taken a course in informatics and ask your advice about how to get started with usability in the organization. You recommend:
talking to the CEO about her ideas.
examining the support call lists and system change requests.
working with only physicians, since they have been the most vocal about issues with the EHR.
hiring a consultant.

Question 23. International Classification of Nursing Practice is a:

standardized classification of patient/client outcomes.
set of nursing diagnoses.
standardized classification of interventions.
unified nursing language system into which nursing terminologies can be cross-mapped.

Question 24. You are asked to perform a heuristic evaluation of the new orders management module of your inpatient system. You discover that the flow of the orders is different than the way providers are taught in school. This is an example of:

consistency and standards.
match between system and world.
informative feedback.

Question 25. ISO 18104:2003, an international standard for integration of a reference terminology model for nursing, does not state specifically the nursing terminologies that should be used in systems.


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