
Why is the eu important to the well-being of other regions

Question 1: Why is the EU as important to the collective well-being of its member states as member states are to their own people? One useful hint here is to ask if the logic of collective action driving the emergence of the EU has any comparative example in American history-can you guess what that very famous example would be.

Question 2: Why is the EU important to the well-being of other regions and states? Why should China, the US, or Russia care, for example, about the long-term viability of the EU?

Question 3: Using biblical and extra-biblical sources to inform your own reasoning (leave Bible prophecy aside for now), on what basis might Christians plausibly justify support for, indifference to, or even opposition to contractual arrangements like the EU? In plain English, can biblical wisdom and worldview better inform the practical and moral boundaries of interaction with regional institutions like the EU (think of other regional bodies as well)? What might some of those boundaries be?

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