From the reading in the Gospel of Luke, the assigned reading Encountering the New Testament, and the course content, answer the following four essay questions for the Gospel of Luke:
1) How does the Gospel of Luke communicate that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah who has inaugurated the Kingdom of God?
2) How does Luke emphasize that the message of salvation is for all people? How should Luke's concern shape and impact your personal ministry?
3) How do the stories and content of Luke 9:51-19:27 emphasize that the Gospel of Luke is the "gospel for the outcast?"
4) How and why is the ending of the gospel of Luke an appropriate and fitting ending to this gospel?
Requirements: Each of the four essay answers should be at least 150 words; use course content, the Bible, and Encountering the New Testament as sources. Submit all four essays in the same document.
Part 2
From the reading in the Gospel of John, the assigned reading Encountering the New Testament, and the course content, answer the following four essay questions for the Gospel of John:
1) How does the Gospel of John demonstrate that Jesus is the Divine Son of God who reveals the Father?
2) How does the gospel of John call people to faith in Jesus Christ? How do Jesus' personal conversations with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman at the well emphasize this concern?
3) Discuss the significance of John's identification of Jesus as the "Word" of God.
4) Discuss how the Book of Glory (John 13-20) would have encouraged and comforted Jesus' disciples in light of Jesus' imminent departure. How do these chapters provide encouragement and comfort for us as we await the return of Christ?
Requirements: Each of the four essay answers should be at least 150 words; use course content, the Bible, and Encountering the New Testament as sources. Submit all four essays in the same document.