
Why is suspending ones assumptions important to engage in

A page and half required and at least one citation APA style

Team Learning is the discipline of suspending your assumptions and entering into genuine "thinking together" and mastering the practices of dialog and discussion (after reading Senge's chapter you should know there is a difference). Think about this and answer the following questions:

  • Why is suspending one's assumptions important to engage in team learning? How does one go about suspending his/her assumptions? An example?
  • What are defensive routines and why are they a barrier to suspending assumptions and team learning? An example?
  • What is the difference between dialog and discussion? An example of each?
  • Why is team learning critical to a learning organization culture?
  • Thinking about the "means analysis" what culture type (Cameron & Quinn) would you increase to ensure that team learning was developed and sustained?

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Business Management: Why is suspending ones assumptions important to engage in
Reference No:- TGS01688083

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