
Why is store location such an important decision for

Question: You are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. The thread must be 500-750 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. Each thread must use current APA formatting, cite 2 peer-reviewed scholarly sources, and include 1 biblical integration.

In this module/week, you learned about the unique attributes of each type of retail location, including the advantages and disadvantages of each. You learned which retail strategies work with each location type as well as a few societal and legal considerations unique to some location types. In addition, information is provided about the various considerations in selecting a store location to include estimating the potential sales for the store site and the practical application of how to negotiate a lease. For this Discussion Board Forum, choose no more than 2 of the following questions to discuss in your thread:

1. Why is store location such an important decision for retailers?

2. Pick your favorite store. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of its current location given its store type and target market. What would be a better site, or would you recommend the store remain in its current location? Why?

3. As a consultant to 7-Eleven convenience stores, American Eagle Outfitters, and Porsche of America, what would you say are the most important factors in choosing a site for each of these three very different types of stores?

4. What retail locations are best for department stores, consumer electronics category killers, specialty apparel stores, and warehouse stores? Discuss your rationale.

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Marketing Management: Why is store location such an important decision for
Reference No:- TGS02803609

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