
Why is social experience the key to human personality

It seems you don't understand what I wrote, that is the problem I have with you and that is why I complaint about you asking for other professors to do my assignments because you don't follow up instructions. Don't ask me the same question and I do not want yo do any exam forget it, you're making me spent my time,

"Unfortunately I can't move the date since this is an exam that is due today at 4:00pm I can increase 1 more hour because my professor let me do this until to 5:00pm but I can't move the date because will be not accepted by my professor. Please do your best effort I really appreciate it, since I do not have the time to do so. Please accept it since time is running! 

SOCIOLOGY 100 DUE DATE July 28, 2011 at 4:00PM ( Orlando, Florida time) 
If possible I would like Professor Rachel work on this IMPORTANT EXAM please!
I would like to know if I submit this exam today (July 28, 2011) right now at 12:00 noon (Orlando, Florida time) to be return same day at 4:00pm (Orlando Florida time). Could you please be able to work on it? There are 7 questions that should be answered.
Please send me a sure answer, because I need to work immediately on it in case you not accept the exam.
EXTREMELY important: Please READ all instructions very carefully, since I had problems before with professors that do not follows instructions. This is a very important exam since it will be my grade. I really appreciate your great help and effort on this matter. 

Type the question followed by your answer to the question.
Answers must be in paragraph form (4-5 sentences max. per question) and APA format.
If you can have access to the following book you can use it as a source of research and it is okay to use only this one:
Here is the book/research where are all questions on this exam: 
Macionis, J. J. (2008). SOC100: Sociology: 2009 custom edition (12th ed.). Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
There are 3 movies (short videos) need to be watching in order to answer only ONE question per movie that will be in the exam. Videos/movies can be seen in you tube.com please see instructions at the end. 

1. The sociological perspective helps us recognize that the lives of individuals are shaped by the forces of society. In a [very] short essay, explain how the sociological perspective reveals "the general in the particular." To illustrate, explain how society played a part in your own decision to attend college. (15 points) 

MOVIE QUESTION: 2. Explain in your own words what culture suggests about social life in the United States using examples from "Merchants of Cool." (15 points)

3. Develop a dramaturgical analysis of an interaction you experienced recently, demonstrating your familiarity with the presentation of self. Make sure that you are detailed an specific in your analysis. (15 points)

MOVIE QUESTION: 4. What does 'Genie' from "The Secret of the Wild Child" suggest about socialization and human development? Use examples from the short film to support your answer. (15 points)

5. Explain the biological foundation of sex that determines whether people are female or male. (5 points)

MOVIE QUESTION: 6. Choose one of the principles of social stratification and explain in your words what this suggests about social stratification in society. Next, use specific examples from "Crips and Bloods: Made in America" to support your answer. (20 points)

7. How are characteristics such as gender, social class and race strongly linked to crime rates in the United States? In addition, discuss how these characteristics are linked to power and privilege in the United States. Explain your answer. (15 points)

The following 3 movies (short videos) need to be watching in order to answer only ONE question per movie that will be in the exam.
Below are a few questions in regards to the 3 movies, these questions are from assignments I did before in regards to these movies, so MAYBE one of these questions should be in the exam if not then will be a different question not posted in the ones below, I copied/pasted for you to facilitate you with possible answers.

So it is very important to watch each movie. The 3 movies are in the following website: YOU TUBE.COM so in the search bar type: 

1) MOVIE/VIDEO #1 "THE SECRET OF THE WILD CHILD PART 1" For this movie there're five possible questions where only ONE (1) question "may be" in the exam:

1- Why is it hard for researches and psychologists to study social isolation?

2- Has "Genie" influenced your views on the nature vs. nurture debate? Why or why not?

3- What does "Genie" teach us about the important social experience?

4- Why is social experience the key to human personality?

5- Do you think that a child like "Genie" could live independently in society? Explain your answer.

2) MOVIE/VIDEO #2 "THE MERCHANTS OF COOL 1/6" For this movie there're five possible questions where only ONE (1) question "may be" in the exam. 
NOTE: On this movie the following questions are answered. Please feel free to correct or modify them in its totality if possible, in case I didn't answer them correctly, so do what you consider to do with the answers I put, since one of them may be in the exam.

1- Do you think the media influences our culture? Why or why not?
In my opinion I definitely think so, and a very clear example is the music which it always has been one of the major elements in the formation of culture, as well as it can influence behavior and emotions of individuals. Throughout history music has undergone major changes, it can be noticed changes in musical styles over the years ranging from classical music, passing through disco up to today, every era has had a musical style that represents them and adolescents are more likely to be influenced by new musical styles, since we know that young people construct their identity with their wardrobe, hairstyle, language, and music. Young people join groups. Friends are the center where they form patterns of behavior that follows the teenager. The desire to be independent of the family will be filled with the dependence of a group. 
In short, it establishes a system of beliefs. Group members act according to these beliefs. In groups, the element of joint, is the music, beliefs are generated from it. Therefore, the music is what determines the way they dress, the hairstyle, the way they move and talk. This set of belief construct the identity of group belonging. That is why young people, whatever they show a very high level in the main audience of the music video channels.
2- Is being "cool" part of our culture? Why or why not?
Definitely! Because being "cool" among young people is to be in fashion, in the music, in its language, that is, beliefs that a group of young people built to be identified. Beliefs that may be beneficial if there are positive things like studying, playing sports, developing a talent, and so on, positive things that can lead to a bright future or the opposite it can be harmful if they're in drugs, if they're having sex without protection in an uncontrollably way, and so on. Doing things that they think are very "cool" things that are negative which may lead to an uncertain future.
Robert McChesney said "I think we've seen really for the first time in a decade or two, from my experience among young people--not just college students--a real concern that their entire culture is this commercial laboratory and that being cool is like buying the commercially sanctioned cool clothes." 
3- After watching this film do you think that culture constrains or enhances our freedom? Explain your answer.
If we take the term freedom from the point of view among young people, I personally believe that freedom has increased and we can see it from two points of view: Negative and positive.
From a negative point of view, there're youth people who cannot cope with or control the freedom they enjoy today, unfortunately this type of freedom with no control at all increases for the worse, as there are young people who cannot has the capability of being young believing that being young is to have the freedom of control with the wrong meanings: Do not obey, not enforce rules, not study, do wrong things, believing they know everything including to have everything under control but in a very wrong way that can result in a total failure.
If we see the point in a positive way, youth people can take a sense of this "increase" of freedom by knowing how to manage or control their lives and take this freedom as a real vision of life. To create something real productive, to be educated in order to be great examples in the future. To take advantages of technologies in order for them to visualized with a bright future.

4- Does this film reflect our cultural values (pg. 66) as a society?
Well, according to critics in the communication's field it is just about making "money" it is a commercial culture in which cultural values may be reflected in some way, perhaps in the music, but the problem here is that the youth people is the one who is suffering the consequences and is affected by a strong impact in which the materialism overcome any cultural values to the point to be marked up through their entire life.
John Seabrook explains the following: 
"If you reflect on what the gist of MTV is composed of--which are the videos--and ask yourself, "Well, what are videos? Are they culture?" Well, in one sense they are, because they're sort of very avant garde surrealist filmmaking that had you seen them 40 years ago...would have stood out and would have been hailed as sort of artistic break-troughs, and still do delight and astound on a regular basis. So on that level; it is what I would call culture. MTV culture is commercial culture and to the extent to which kids internalize it and make sort of a fundamental value in their own lives, they're bringing commercialism into their lives."

5- How are the following illustrated in the film? Give examples from "Merchants" for the following:
Culture: The group of young people who were interviewed in regards to "what the teens think" in which they expressed their opinions, the way they think concerning MTV and its commercials, their reactions of how they can be affected, is part of a culture.
Counterculture: An example would be the band "Rage Rock" where the music is full of profanity, violence, and misogyny. This type of culture I think it contains a pattern not widely accepted in the Society.
Culture shock: Personally, I think "Teen rebellion" as well as "Rage Rock" they both exhibit personal disorientation especially to the young people when faced with such aggressiveness that is not common in their lifestyle and which can be affected by such style.
Material Culture: The conglomerates gigantic media corporations are an example as artifacts. The most important ones are Disney, Time Warner, Viacom, the News Corporation, which is owned by Rupert Murdoch, and Universal-Vivendi, which is about to become a French-owned corporation. 
Nonmaterial Culture: The ideas created by MTV such as an ethnography study that is (defined by Todd Cunningham, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Planning for MTV) a study that basically goes out and tries to understand the differences between audiences.
Symbols, Language, Norms: The painted faces of the rebellions are an example of Symbols that represents them in their group, as well as its established rules within their group and the way of how they express themselves in their group.

For this movie there're 9 questions where only ONE (1) question "may be" in the exam.

1. How do you think growing up in an impoverished neighborhood, or one where everyone around you is in a gang, would impact your life? If you were growing up in South Central Los Angeles do you think might have been tempted as a young person to join a gang? Why or why not? 
Growing up in an impoverished neighborhood or where everyone around me is in a gang would definitely cast a very negative impact in my life. Even if I am born in a family of culture and get a healthy socialization, it is a high possibility that eventually and gradually I would be inclined towards the gang culture, since usually bad things attracts more than the good things even though having the best education.
If I was growing up in South Central Los Angeles, probably I would get attracted to the gang culture and eventually join them since generally they are young persons that are attracted to do incredible things, such as brake the laws in all meanings, in order to feel stronger and powerful due to immaturity also depending on the type of family the child is growing up (even though it is clear that grow in a healthy family does not mean you will not fall in bad company) finally, it depends on several factors such as the ones I just mentioned and many more. 
This would happen because anything negative is enticing much more than positive things especially when we are young persons. Moreover, I would see the gang boys always and imbibe their livelihood and culture. Perhaps, to get acceptance in the neighborhood, I would be forced to join them too.
2. Has the criminal justice system helped or failed the people of South Central L.A.? Is this system effective for all Americans, why or why not? 
I certainly do not think that the criminal justice system helped the people of South Central Los Angeles as the movie showed violent attacks on people. Fifteen thousand people were killed in these attacks.
I do not think this system is at all effective for Americans as anyone is getting killed and the gang culture is getting rampant to save them.
3. Consider the social foundations of deviance. Choose one of these foundations that are reflected in the film. 
The social foundations of deviance reflected in the film were "people become deviant as others define them that way". We see in the film that the African Americans were not violent before. But due to racism and ostracism, they were bound be act violent later to protect them and to get identification in society.

4. There are four main principles in social stratification. How are these principles reflected in the film? Choose one principle and give examples from the film that assist in explaining your answer. 
The principles of stratifications were pronounced in the film. We saw that the African Americans were out casted and were subjected to immense racism and degradation.
"It involves not just inequality but beliefs", is the principle of stratification that gained its presence in the film. Example, we see that a little Afro-American child wanted to join the scout. But his mother was afraid as she thought other children's mothers would create a problem as it was a group of the whites. The child was too innocent to fathom the complexities of stratification. All he wanted to do was to join the scout team. But the social stratification of America then was too rigid to entertain black people among them. We see that the mother was matured enough to understand that her child will not be allowed in the scout team with the Americans. This showed the inequality of the society then. The belief come into the picture as the mother was convinced and started believing that her child will not be allowed to join scouts. Thus the principle of stratification played a major role in the film.
5. Explain how characteristics such as age, gender, social class, race and ethnicity are strongly linked to crime rates in the United States. 
Age is big factor of increasing the rate of crime in America. Sociologists say that age and crime is inversely related to each other. When one is young, the propensity of deviance is much higher than in an adult. As per the statistics, the number of increasing teenagers increases the crime rate in America. Race and ethnicity is another big problem as far as crime is concerned. It is seen that due to enormous number of immigrants, the crime rate in America is also rising. Since crime in all the cultures is not same, few immigrants are criminalized if they are deviating from American norms. Afro-Americans too are extremely violent and indulge into criminal activities as once upon a time they were victims of such criminal activities and torture. Immigrants who secure high posts in American white collar jobs are often envied by Native Americans as they think because of them; they had lost that high position of status. Hence, they too get involved into criminal actions. Criminal activities also find relation with gender. Mostly women are harassed and sexually insulted by men in public and even in work place. Rape and murder of women in America is very common and rampant.
6. According to the text, social stratification benefits some people and disadvantages others. Who benefits and who is at a disadvantage in this film? 
The text suggests that social stratification is beneficial for some and non-beneficial for few. In the film we saw that stratification was advantageous for the Americans and disadvantageous for the Afro-Americans as they were always ostracized and the former only gained importance.

7. Social stratification has to do with the way a society is organized. This is important because people's social standing affects their everyday interactions. What is the everyday life for the people that live in South Central L.A. in today's world? Is the community still stratified in the same way? Why or why not? 
The life of the Afro-Americans have transformed dramatically. They are found to be part of social affairs to political arenas. They play a major role in sports, music and everything possible. 
The community is certainly not stratified so rigidly now. Time changed the scenario. Now, Afro-Americans are widely accepted. Even if a tinge of dogmatism still prevails in the hearts of Americans, it is impossible to show now as the Present of the country is an Afro-American. Moreover, the minds of people have changed dramatically with the light of globalization and technocracy. 
8. Some theories suggest that crime is more common among people with a lower social standing. Do you think this is accurate? Why or why not? 
To some extent, I do feel that it is accurate but might not be mandate. This mainly happens because people in the lower social standing are the most sufferers. They are segregated and always kept away from all the privileges of society. They do not get their apt esteem and recognition. Being socially and economically degraded, they involve into criminal activities to take out the frustration and to earn some extra dollar for better living. They believe in the mantra of snatching privileges if they are not getting it through esteem.
9. What are your personal thoughts on this film? 
I feel that human emotions are well portrayed in this film. It shows the vengeance, plight, insecurity and the craving for identity very well. All this resulted in bondage among the group of Afro-American. This film also shows the consequences of racism to a great extent. The Afro-Americans were forced to become violent after they had taken a lot of segregation and degradation from the Whites. So perhaps, this would have happened someday as no one can tolerate torture for long. 

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