
Why is our culture so obsessed with appearances - why do

We have been discussing fashion and beauty in class as we have investigated a useful format for a cause-and-effect essay. Choose one of the following topics for your 3-page cause-and-effect essay to demonstrate your mastery of this format. If you find another relevant topic you'd rather write about, that's fine, but let me know first. Why do men and women dress differently?

Why is our culture so obsessed with appearances?

Why do you dress the way you do?

Why does fashion change?

Why does our culture have its particular beauty standards?

Why do man (or women) seek cosmetic surgeries?

Use any sources you wish to help make your argument and submit the essay on the date listed in the syllabus.

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Other Subject: Why is our culture so obsessed with appearances - why do
Reference No:- TGS01653863

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