The garifuna Fight Back
Central American Studies 100
Reading: Helen Drusine
01. Why is Maylor Florentina Palacios frustrated?
02. Why did the committee of the Honduran Garifuna Emergency (Comite de Emergencia Garifuna de Honduras) form?
03. How did the committee help Garifuna farmers?
04. What were some of the Garifuna communal projects?
05. Why has rebuilding homes been an obstacle for the committee?
06. How have the Garifuna retained their African roots?
07. How is their way of life being threatened?
08. How did the illegal construction of a road impact the daily life of the Garifuna?
09. How has the water been affected?
10. What happened to the Garifuna leader in Vallecito?
11. What is the story of the thirty nine women in Punta Piedra?
12. What is the local tool bank?
13. Why is Balaire important to the Garifuna people?
14. What is happening with the land titles of the Garifuna?