
Why is literacy a global issue and why is it an especially

Literacy as a Global Issue Presentation Instructions

Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education

Instructions: You will be giving a 5-minute in class presentation, supplemented by powerpoint. Ybur presentation will be video recorded and deposited in the assessment area for program and college assessment purposes. The topic of the presentation is language and literacy in early childhood education as a global issue.

You must cite any sources used during the presentation and in APA format at the end of your power point presentation. This will be a semi-professional presentation so you are expected to be dressed in a semi-professional manner.

You must upload your power point presentation to Blackboard. Feel free to use the power point template that I have provided on my ePortfolio. See course schedule for due date.

Your presentation must address the following questions:

1. Why is literacy a global issue? And why is it an especially important issue for early childhood educators worldwide? In answering this question, consider the national and global literacy rates.

2. What are some of the causes of functional illiteracy nationally and worldwide? In answering this question, consider how socioeconomic status (SES) is connected to literacy rates locally and globally.

3. How is one's perceived language and literacy abilities determinative of power and access to education in a society, and who has that power? In answering this question, consider the diverse sociocultural perspectives of how an individual's use language and literacy impact the way in which a child is viewed by others, e.g. principals, parents, policy makers, and teachers.

4. What are the ethical responsibilities of early childhood educator when it comes to language and literacy? And, why is literacy education a social justice issue? In answering this question, consider how you as a teacher can change the stereotypical views of others at both the local and global level?

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Reference No:- TGS02708205

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