
Why is land so significant for laduke

Response the below:

1) Brief summary, main points

2) Tone, Rhetorical, Irony?

3) Why is land so significant for LaDuke and the indigenous?

4) For LaDuke, what are the differences between indigenous and Euro-American conceptions of land? Are the differences reconcilable? Why or why not?

5) Why is "the naming process of America... one of the things that indigenous people find incredibly offensive?" What is LaDuke's suggestion to realize what is "just" and "right"? What does this suggestion entail for the U.S? Do you feel these suggestions are acceptable and/or realizable?

6) What is the historical relationship between Frederick Weyerhaeuser and the Whirw Earth Reservation? What effect did Weyerhaeuser have on the Anishinaabeg people at White Earth?

7) For LaDuke, what is the "relationship between development and underdevelopment?"What does this relationship have to do with the U.S and Native America?

8) What is the purpose of the Indian Claims Commission? How does that Commission operate?

9) Why might the U.S desire to settle indigenous land disputes through monetary compensation? Is this compensation just? According to what criteria?


https://books.google.com/books?id=M0iP3DconbIC&pg=PA138 lpg=PA138dq=Who+owns+america?:+minority+land+and+community+security+by+winona+laduke+reading&source=bl&ots=1PIUKI2Idj&sig=kmNrwpMYB-DMK_rHcC82cEYIrVM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=o6gRUd60K4ji0QHQvoCgBA&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=Who%20owns%20america%3F%3A%20minority%20land%20and%20community%20security%20by%20winona%20laduke%20reading f=false.

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