Why is khudoleyev angry with the world why is the world


Doctor Zhivago Chapters 2-3 Reading Questions

1. What is the subject of the dispute between Fuflygin and Antipov?

2. Why is Khudoleyev angry with the world?

3. Why is the world "hateful" to Tiverzin?

4. Why is Tiverzin in danger?

5. What has the Tzar done that will turn everything "upside down"?

6. What is your impression of the character of Tiverzin?

7. Note the numerous misunderstandings that occur as events unfold in Chapter 3. (No written answer needed for this one.)

8. Note the emphasis on the color red on p. 45. (Just identify two or three red objects.)

9. How does Pasha react to the attack on the marchers?

10. Look up the meaning of "Tolstoyan."

11. What has happened to Yura since his uncle brought him back to Moscow?

12. What obsession have Yura, Tanya and Misha developed?

Doctor ZhivagoReading Questions Chapter 3

1. What do we learn about Markel's character at the beginning of the chapter?

2. What have Yury and his two young friends studied at the university?

3. What intrigued Yury about his work with the cadavers in the medical school basement?

4. Where is Uncle Kolya (Nikolay Nikolayevich) living now?

5. What is your understanding of Yury's idea of resurrection?

6. Who is one of the main claimants to Yury's father's estate?

7. What does Anna ask that Yury and Tonya should do after she dies?

8. What escape from Komarovsky does Lara find?

9. What is Kologrivov's attitude toward the revolution?

10. What does Rodya ask Lara to do for him? What does she do instead?

11. Where is Lara secretly sending money?

12. Why is Lara so restless and depressed in the summer of 1911?

13. How is Lara using Rodya's gun?

14. How is Pasha's personality changing?

15. What decision does Lara make regarding how to end her uncomfortable circumstances?

16. What important statement does Lara make in her conversation with Pasha?

17. Note how many times the image of candles appears in this chapter. (No written response needed for this question.)

18. What does Lara remember about Kornakov when she sees him and his son at the party?

19. How does Yury process grief differently now that Anna Gromeko has died compared with his reaction when his own mother died?


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