Problem: John is currently on a mountain climbing trip and has climbed to an elevation of 2,700 meters. As a novice to mountain climbing he is unsure of his fitness to make such a climb and notices at the base camp that his respiratory rate is greatly elevated. He also notices that his heart rate is increased as well. Not feeling well some 8 hours into his trip, he notices a constant headache, fatigue, stomach upset as well as dizziness and inability to sleep well. He feels like he has awoken to "catch his breath" several times. He has begun to notice swelling in his hands and face. He reports his signs and symptoms to the camp doctor and is told that he might be experiencing altitude sickness. Knowing what you know about the cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems.
1. Why is John experiencing tachypnea at the base camp?
2. Why is he experiencing neurological symptoms?
3. How would his increased respiratory rate affect his blood pH?
4. How would the kidneys compensate for his pH? and at what level of the nephron?
5. Should John just "tough it out" and climb higher with the team as his body should acclimate within a couple of days? What are the inherent risks with doing that?