Why is it important to talk about dying

Assignment task: Talking about dying can help someone with a terminal illness to express their concerns and fears and help them make plans for what's important to them. It can bring up uncomfortable emotions for you and for the person who is dying, but there are things you can do to make the conversation easier and more meaningful.

Explain and discuss the following questions and topics around talking to someone with a terminal illness about death.

1. Why is it important to talk about dying?

2. It can be difficult to know how to start the conversation. What are some questions you might ask the person?

3. We communicate through our body language and tone of voice as well as the words we use. You can use your body language to make people feel more comfortable and show that you're listening.  Discuss and list some examples of how you could do it.

4. Usually, information about the person's illness and treatment will be given to them by their doctor, or specialist nurse. But, whatever your role, there will be times when you have to give information or explain something to a patient. What could be some techniques you could use to help the person understand what you're telling them?

5. Some patients experience denial when it comes to dying.  Explain this and give an example.

6. What other type of support is available for patients?

7. Talking about dying can be challenging for you as well. It may trigger memories of people you have lost or care about in your personal life. This is normal but if your feelings are interfering with your work or personal life, it is a good idea to get some support. How could you do it?

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