
Why is it important to study how we express emotions and

Emotions and Facial Expressions essay.

Your first nonverbal communication essay is designed to increase your understanding of the role our facial and eye expressions play in expressing emotions. For this assignment, you'll need to read Chapters 4 and 5 and watch the following YouTube clips:
1. https://youtu.be/-PFqzYoKkCc
2. https://youtu.be/lISfh-Ip-qA?list=PLkenMycjjjdbaeJj4EW6dqO3LIbPIfGPP
3. https://youtu.be/NweeK_R_qR0
These clips discuss emotions and facial expressions, particularly the work of Paul Ekman. The videos discuss whether emotions are universal, if emotions are the result of nature vs. nurture, and how to interpret facial expressions. The videos also discuss how nonverbal communication is the primary conveyor of our emotions. To complete this assignment, you should write a 2 - 3 page essay addressing the questions below. You will be evaluated on your understanding of course material, your reasoning and synthesis of ideas, and your writing style including grammar and mechanics. All writing assignments should be double-spaced with 1" margins and 12-point font.
Assignment Requirements: Using the textbook and videos, answer the following questions thoroughly and thoughtfully:

1. Why is it important to study how we express emotions?

2. What are the seven categories of emotion revealed by our facial expressions? And how are those seven categories revealed by our facial muscles?

3. What are the four facial management techniques? In what social situations in your own life would you use each technique (be specific)?

4. What do you think about the conclusion that emotional expressions are universal?

5. How could reading emotional expressions benefit us in our relationships with others?

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Other Subject: Why is it important to study how we express emotions and
Reference No:- TGS02210562

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