
Why is it important to be aware of a clients cultural


Answers should be at least 100-175 words and reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience. Be sure to cite all sources as well.

1. What is the challenge in developing an integrative perspective?

2. Why is it important to be aware of a client's cultural background and how it contributes to their perceptions of their problems?

3. What should a counselor intern do when they're clashing with their supervisor?

4. I believe people can be dogmatic without even realizing it and that can make developing an integrative perspective difficult.

People become comfortable with doing things a particular way, and especially if they are successful, may not want to change or add or include.

Lordy look at how hard it was getting America to integrate races for example. If a counselor has success using strictly a Gestalt style of therapy, they may not be comfortable sprinkling some feminism on top.

I was actually thinking ahead about what type of therapy I would feel comfortable using, still somewhat ignorant to how this counseling thing goes, and had no idea I was planning on being an ideological purist. Is it easier training counselors to be integrative while in school or is it easier afterwards when they are competent in most techniques?

5. According to the text, it is not simply about knowing how to flow seamlessly from one approach to another, which can be challenging in and of itself.

There is also the challenge of mixing paradigms, and with that the possibility that we may lose touch with our basic beliefs about what is healing in psychotherapy. Of course, we may never have had these beliefs in the first place, or maybe they are still in the evolutionary stage. Fellow classmates, what are your thoughts on the integrative perspective?

6. There is not a "one size fits all" therapy, we have to consider the "whole person" not just their issues, but their family, lifestyle, cultural, and spiritual beliefs, etc. Integrative therapy enables the counselor to use multiple techniques and therapies to best help the client reach the greatest outcome, whatever that may be.

Many times that may require a counselor using a multi-layered therapy approach to address different aspects of what is happening in a client's life at a given time to be the most effective. Your thoughts?

7. I believe the best solution is communication. If you cannot bring yourself to have honest, open communication with a supervisor, how do you expect to have honest, open communication with your future clients?

Communication is the best practice in all things as a first step to solving a problem whether it is personal or professional, learning to express yourself in a situation like this is empowering.

The ability to effectively communicate is a skill that we all need to practice and master before we take on the responsibility of working with clients, in my opinion, so we will be able to handle any situations that may arise without taking it personally. Any thoughts?

8. What are some of the consequences of not having a good working relationship with your counseling supervisor?

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Dissertation: Why is it important to be aware of a clients cultural
Reference No:- TGS02904106

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