What is "arete" (a Greek term)?
What is "aretaic" ethics or virtue-based ethics (hereafter, VBE)?
Why is it distinct from action-based ethics (hereafter, ABE) that we have studied so far in Kantianism and Utilitarianism?
Which of these two kinds of ethics (ABE v. VBE) respectively places emphasis on the contrasting notions of the followings:
doing v. being
action v. character
(NB: From now on, VBE refers to "Virtue-Based Ethics," while ABE "Action-Based Ethics.")
Is there a teleological element in VBE?
If so, why is it still Not to be equated with Utilitarian Consequentialism?
In Aristotelian ethics (as the most important classical VBE), what does the term "eudaimonia" refer to?
What does the term the "Golden Mean" imply?
Why is Ethics regarded as a branch of Politics?
(EQ37)-(FC) (*)
What are the criticisms against ABE from VBE?
What are the criticisms against VBE from ABE?
(NB: Carefully "itemize" and elaborately explain all the charges against each other)
What is the "Correspondence" Thesis by ABE?
What do you think should be the reasonable view on the relationship between ABE and VBE? What does the "Complementarity" thesis mean?
What is the notion referred to as "Cognitive Blessing" in the lecture?
What is an argument?; how is it to be defined?
What is the most essential item that an argument should have, at its core structure, if it is to be a body of thoughts conducted and
expressed in conformity with our commitment to rationality?
What are the evaluative notions on argument such as validity, truth, (independence between these two), and soundness?
How can the two forms of argument, namely, deductive and inductive, be compared in terms of various aspects of inference?
Why do moral arguments often turn out to be deductive, rather than inductive?
What does it mean to do a "Reconstruction" of an argument?
What does it take to do its "Evaluation"?
(EQ45)-(FC) (*)
Consider the following argument (an enthymeme):
"We should not ban marijuana. Doing so is to legislate morality"
Conduct the analysis of "R & E" (i.e., Reconstruction & Evaluation) on the argument.
Why is it so important not to commit the "Question-Begging" Fallacy in ethical argumentation?