
Why is it better to rely on information from scholarly

Questions I to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across apage
break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.

1. Which of the following is not a generahzation?
A. Soccer is a sport that involves a ball.
B. Nothing is made in America anymore.
C. Women mature faster than men.
D. On every college campus athletes get special treatment.

2. What can an assumption do to an essay?
A. An assumption can strengthen a thesis.
B. An assumption can make an argument more valid.
C. An assumption can cause an essay to present incorrect information and ideas.
D. An assumption can give a writer something to base the rest of the essay on.

3. Suppose that you're going to interview someone in preparation for writing a research paper on teaching techniques for macroeconomics. For this topic, who would be the besl person to interview?
A. An economist
B. A professor of macroeconomics
C. The president of a university
D. A student in a macroeconomics course

4. Which of the following is an example of opinion?
A. Abraham Lincoln presented the Gettysburg Address on November I 9, 1 863.
B. The Canadian men's hockey team won the gold medal in the 2010 Winter Olympics.
C. Organic food should be made more affordable.
D. The color blue sometimes signifies sadness or depression.

5. In which of the following situations would paraphrasing be useful and ethical?
A. You don't fully understand what the author is saying.
B. You want to use an author's idea but don't wish to quote the author directly.
C. You wish to make it seem as if the author's ideas are yours.
D. You want to change the author's meaning.

6. Regarding the puncfuation of quotations, which of the following'sentences ts correct?
A. As Longstreet and Smyth report "There is no exception to the rule" (136).
B. Leslie and Farmer, declared, "Life among the Lakota is in accord with nature (68)."
C. The decision was unequivocal: "The Constitution permits legislative review" (Quayle 128).
D. Grant and Fanell argue that "charges of Wall Street comrption are nothing new. (43)"

7. It's permissible to delete a word from a direct quotation as long as you don't change the meaning of the quote. To indicate your deletion in the quote, you would
A. use a hyphen in place of the deleted word or passage.
B. use an ellipsis to designate a deletion.
C. write the "deleted" in that space.
D. mark the deleted space with a comma before and after the deleted word.

8. When skimming a source, one helpful guideline to foliow is to
A. pay no attention to any pictures, maps, or charts.
B. read the first sentence ofeach paragraph.
C. skip the first and last paragraphs.
D. read the entire source.

9. VIhy is it helpful to search for a bibliography on a topic?
A. Once you complete the basic bibliography search, you're finished finding sources.
B. A bibliography provides only books you can use as sources.
C. A bibliography can provide you with a list of various sources on your topic.
D. A bibliography search normally isn't helpful.

10. The MLA format for citing a book has six parts, beginning with the author's name. What appears in the fifth position?
A. Date
B. Medium
C. Place of publication
D. Publisher

11. Of the following, which is the most important to consider when analyzing and revising an academic paper?
A. That the opinion is clearly highlighted with emphatic, emotional statements
B. That the paper contains many large words
C. That the thesis is clear and that the main points support that thesis
D. That the paper will be entertaining for the instructor to read

12. Which of the following is not a good technique for learning your way around a library?
A. Consulting with the librarians.
B. Wandering around without a purpose the first time you visit
C. Reviewing the library website.
D. Taking a formal or guided tour of the library.

13. Of the following, which system of note-taking would be the most apptopriate to use while doing research for a paper?
A. Making a notecard for each source
B. Highlighting all unfamiliar terms within each source
C. Copying and pasting source text to use, without citation, within the final paper
D. Memorizing information for each source

14. What should you include in a keyword search when you wish to broaden the search and find any
documents containing at least one of a list of two or more terms?
c. oR

15. Which of the following is not atip that can help you find good sources for a topic?
A. Keep track of citation information for each source.
B. Limit yourself to one source in the beginning.
C. Have a clear system of notetaking.
D. Have a nanowed topic and working thesis.

16. Which of the following would not be considered plagiarism?
A. Submitting an essay that a friend submitted several years ago
B. Using graphs, tables, diagrams that someone else created, without citing them
C. Summarizing source information and including a citation on the Works Cited page
D. Acknowledging a source when directly quoting but not including quotation marks

17. You're working to come up with an interesting topic. Which of the following terms would not apply to that effort?
A. Novel
B. Breaking
C. Practical
D. Manageable

18. Why should academic writers use the third-person point of view for a research paper?
A. This point of view allows you to be more objective in your writing.
B. This point of view limits your credibility.
C. When using this point of view, you can easily switch to a different point of view.
D. This point of view keeps your writing simple,

19. Why is it better to rely on information from scholarly journals, nol magazines, in academic writing?
A. Authors in scholarly jountals are generally specialists in their field.
B. Scholarly journals are more difficult to find.

C. Scliolarly journals are more entertaining, magazines are more reliable
D. Magazines are entertaining, which means they can't be educational.

20. Which of the following would require documentation in an academic research paper?
A. An observation you made while on a field trip to a zoo
B. A statement regarding Thomas Jefferson being the third President of the United States
C. A photograph from your family reunion
D. A map of Brooklyn, NY, found in an atlas

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English: Why is it better to rely on information from scholarly
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