
Why is human resource management importantnbsp what should

There are two sets of essay questions:

  • Set 1:  Answer both questions
  • Set 2:  Choose one question to answer

Each of the three (3) Essay questions is worth 1/3 of your exam grade. Your essay must be in your own words without quotations.   You should be able to fully articulate your response to each question in NO more than one (1.5) page per question.  Include the question number, but not the text of the question, with your response to each question (1, 2, a, b, c...)

Exams must be typed in WORD format, double-spaced, 1" margins Times New Roman, and 12-point font on letter size paper.  Exams must be neat, including but not limited to correct spelling and grammar, proper sources, references identified (APA 6 format), appropriate business terms (no "slang"), and well organized. 

Live Text will automatically submit exams to Turnitin.com. Students are encouraged to submit drafts of their exam prior to the due date to ensure that the Turnitin score is less than 25 percent. Exams with scores greater than 25 percent will negatively impact the final grade for the exam.

Two references and associated citations are required to achieve full credit for each question.  Do not use references from blogs, ask.com, Wikipedia, or other similar sources.


  1. Why is Human Resource Management Important?  What should the role and responsibility of human resources be in developing a company's mission, objectives, and strategies?
  2. What implications do the anticipated changes in age and demographics of the workforce have for the management of human resources?


  1. Discuss how the practices of human resource management can give an organization the competitive advantage, particularly in the areas of recruitment, training and diversity management.
  2. What are the challenges of HRM in a global environment?
  3. What role should human resources have in the development, implementation, and administration of a company's code of ethics policies and procedures? 

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Mathematics: Why is human resource management importantnbsp what should
Reference No:- TGS01423194

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