
Why is health considered an element of human capital- what

Book Reference: Economic Growth (3rd Edition) By David N.Weil
Chapter 6 Questions For Review

1. Why is health considered an element of human capital? How does human capital in the form of health differ from human capital in the form of education?

2. How can we use data on the return to education to estimate how differences in education among countries contribute to differences in income among countries?

Chapter 9 Questions For Review
1. What was the productivity slowdown? Was it necessarily caused by a slowdown in the growth rate of technology?

2. Given that technological progress proceeds at different speeds in different sectors of the economy, what implications do these differences have for the growth rate of aggregate output?

Chapter 10 Questions For Review
1. What is efficiency? How are efficiency, technology, and productivity related?

2. How does knowing the technological "gap" between two countries allow us to infer differences in their levels of efficiency?

3. What are the conditions under which free movement of workers between sectors will achieve an efficient allocation of labor?

Chapter 11 Questions For Review
1. How can the law of one price be used to assess the degree of economic integration of two countries?

2. What factors have led to the increase in globalization over the last 200 years?

3. If an economy is perfectly open to capital flows from the rest of the world, how is the level of GDP related to the saving rate?

4. How does domestic production change when a country becomes open to international trade?

Chapter 13 Questions For Review
1. How is the Gini coefficient constructed? What values of the Gini coefficient correspond to perfect equality and perfect inequality?

2. How does income inequality affect the accumulation of physical and human capital?

Chapter 16 Questions For Review
1. What is the theoretical relationship between current and future prices for a natural resource? What can cause this mechanism to break down?

2. Why is the long-run price elasticity of demand for a resource generally higher than the shortrun price elasticity of demand?

3. Why does the environmental Kuznets curve have an upside-down U shape?

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Macroeconomics: Why is health considered an element of human capital- what
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