
Why is he taking ice core samples from antarctica


Write a one-page paper (at least 250 words) on the validity of The Day After Tomorrow (movie). The paper needs to address the issue of global warming and possible climate changes due to global warming. You will need to support your opinion of the movie with facts you know about climate and global warming. You will need to address at least three of the following questions in detail from the movie.

1. Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) is a climatologist studying the effects of global warming. Why is he taking ice core samples from Antarctica? What does this have to do with global warming?

2. The opening scene shows the collapse of a massive ice shelf (a floating glacier) in Antarctica. Could this really happen? If so, how might is affect global sea levels?

3. Is it realistic to think our climate is in a fragile state? What does burning fossil fuels have to do with global warming melting ice caps?

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Science: Why is he taking ice core samples from antarctica
Reference No:- TGS03185345

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