
Why is gaudium et spes considered a pastoral constitution


Questions from Bishop Barron's talk:

"Gaudium et spes: The Right Reading of Vatican II"

1. What are some of the major complaints or issues many have with Gaudium et spes?

2. Why is Gaudium et spes considered a "pastoral" constitution?

3. What are some of the difference between Vatican I and Vatican II according to Bishop Barron?

4. How does Barron connect Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden, the ancient nation of Israel, and Jesus?

5. How is this related to the Church's mission today?

6. What do you think Barron means by Vatican II "christifying" the world; rather than it being a "modernization" of the Church?

7. Why is it important that the modern culture NOT set the agenda of the Church?

8. Where does human dignity come from? What are the three ways the human person's Imago Dei, or image of God, are displayed?

9. What is the difference between modern freedom and biblical freedom?

10. What does Gaudium et spes mean when it states, "God must not be construed in a competitive manner with man."?

11. According to Barron, why do couples get married in the Church?

12. What are the three transcendental drives of the human spirit?

13. Why should these be founded on faith?

14. Political power and economic power should rest with whom? Who should it not rest with?

Youtube Video: "Gaudium et Spes: The Right Reading of Vatican II by Fr. Robert Barron".

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