1. Why Is Female Genital Cutting (FGC) a Violation of Women's Health and Human Rights?
2. Why Is "Social Transitioning" not a Beneficial Treatment for Transgender Children?
3. Why Sex Work SHOULD NOT be decriminalized?
4. Why Group Marriage SHOULD NOT a be legalized?
5. Why male and female athletes should NOT be paid equally.?
6. why transgender athletes should NOT be allowed to compete in professional sports?
7. Why gender equality has NOT "come a long way."?
8. Why parents SHOULD NOT be able to choose the sex of their baby?
9. Why Public Restrooms SHOULD NOT Be Gender-Neutral?
10. Why Pregnant Woman SHOULD NOT Be Punished for Exposing her Fetus to Risk?
Write 300 words for each question. Your debate should not just be personal opinion; it should be supported by accurate information/facts (everything should be "backed up" by facts).
You must back up your original post with (2) outside credible sources, one being a peer-reviewed article
Please refrain from using sources such as, Wikipedia or online media sources (i.e., etc.)
Peer reviewed journal articles, credible websites; such as the CDC or the American Public Health Association may be used as a credible source.
APA formatting must be used for citing all your sources (in-text & reference list)