
Why is democracy a good form of government

Consider the following questions:

1. Analyze and evaluate the importance of having a written constitution.

2. Is Judicial Review a legitimate power of the Supreme Court?

3. Why is Free Expression important to democracy?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: "Individuals and Businesses have the right to not do business with people whose lifestyle is antagonistic to their religious beliefs." Please justify your opinion.

5. You are a member of the Supreme Court and you have to write an opinion, pro or con, on gay marriage. Using the Constitution and the Bill of Rights how would you justify your opinion?

6. Why is democracy a good form of government?

7. With whom do you agree - the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Explain your opinion using the arguments of either side.

8. Why is diversity important to our political system?

9. In your opinion did the Constitutional Convention of 1787 do what they were mandated to do in terms of the Articles of Confederation?

What is the most important concept or idea that you have learned so far?

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Other Subject: Why is democracy a good form of government
Reference No:- TGS01958663

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