Assignment Task: Why is cultural competence important in health care? What could happen to a patient that has their culture ignored in a healthcare setting? As we know, a person's culture is made up of family, friends, environment, history, race, etc. Let's pick on religion for this topic. Choose a religion from the shortlist below and discuss what might happen to a patient in a hospital, for example, who does not have cultural competence.
Reminder: Your post must be a minimum of 15 sentences!
Pick One:
- Judaism
- Buddhism
- Muslim
- Hinduism
- Islam
- Rastafarianism
- Native American Religions
You may need to do a quick search to get some basic details about these religions. That's ok! I encourage you to do so! Please remember, DO NOT COPY AND PASTE from the internet. I'm not asking you to tell me about the religion!! I want you to read about one and think about what might happen to a person whose religious beliefs are ignored in a hospital setting. I want your ideas not facts about a religion. Need Assignment Help?
Please read the instructions carefully and answer in MLA format.