Why is creating performance measurement baseline critical

Question 1: Based on all you have read about Natural Law present an argument for the notion that there is a natural law humans can follow to determine the right things to do in most cases or that such a law does not exist or is exaggerated. Be sure to address the differences in beliefs about morality discussed in chapter two.

Question 2: You are offered a job at XYZ Corp. A friend emails you an article indicating the company has been funding questionable research that may be causing irreparable damage to a specific ecosystem. You notice in the Offer Letter that you will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement stating if you leave for any reason, you will be barred from working for a similar company for one year. Do you take the job, why or why not? Be sure to use one or more moral theories to justify your decision (e.g., "Because I am a utilitarian seeking the greater good I would..." "Following Ross's Prima Facie duties, specifically beneficence and non-maleficence, I would...")

Question 3:

i. Teen parents, unmarried cohabitating and single parents face many hurdles in life that older or more traditional parents do not face. Explain effective ways they can address these issues?

ii. With the economy the way it is, many adult children are moving back home to live with their parents or some aging parents are moving in with their adult children because they require care. Discuss what are some of the challenges that arise (in either scenario) and suggestions for dealing with those challenges?

Question 4: Why is creating a performance measurement baseline a critical principle of any meaningful EV-managed project? What are other principles that must be followed if there is to be meaningful EV project management, but without a full-blown EVMS implementation?

Question 5:

i) How does an investigator prepare for an interview or interrogation? Are there differences?

ii) Find a state supreme court or state appeals case from your state in which a conviction of a defendant from a lower court was overturned due to improper police tactics during an interrogation. Discuss and properly list the website.

Question 6:

The internet can be a powerful ally when you are trying to figure out how to solve a problem.

When you select the link to Learning Material for the week of the class, you will see a section labeled Handy Helpers.

The first section in the Handy Helpers takes you to a page with links to videos, math sites, PowerPoint, cheat sheets and other materials that explain the topics covered in that section.

Pick one of the Handy Helpers from either Week 1 or Week 2 that no one else has reported on, select Start a New Conversation, and make the subject the name of the link (for example: YouTube patrickJMT: Finding the Slope of a Line). Then give us a review of the "helper". Include what you like or don't like about it and why you think it may be helpful to others.

In the body of your text, also include a hyperlink to the site since it is sometimes difficult to find a specific item among all the resources. That way your classmates can also benefit from the site - or avoid it, depending on your review!

Question 7: Describe the systems of slavery that has existed in  Africa since Ancient times and how is the slavery system used by Africans and Arabs different from  the New World slave systems developed under the Spanish, Dutch, French, and English ?

Question 8: In the hope of high returns, venture capitalists provide funds to finance new (start up) companies. However, potential competitors and structures of the market into which the new firm enters are extremely important in realization of profits. Among different market structures, which one do you believe provides the highest possible return for a new company and why?

Question 9: Using the data set that you identified in week 1, use Excel to find the following descriptive statistics for the price data.

Descriptive statistics:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Standard Deviation

Use these summary statistics to make two conclusions or observations about the typical vehicle in the sample. One conclusion must relate to the measure of center (mean/median) and one to the variability (standard deviation) of the vehicles.

Next, add an 11th vehicle to the data set. Choose a "supercar" that costs at least $1 million. Recalculate the summary statistics to include this vehicle.

Descriptive statistics:

  • Mean
  • Median
  • Standard Deviation

Which summary statistics were affected the most by the addition of this outlier? How were they changed, and were you surprised by the results? I encourage you to review the Week 2 descriptive statistics PDF at the bottom of the discussions. This will give you a step by step example on how to calculate these values using Excel. I DO NOT recommend doing this by hand.  Let Excel do the heavy lifting for you.

Question 10:

i) What are the problems with current mechanical detection system and what is being done to enhance detection techniques?

ii) Think about a possible mechanism to enhance detection and share it with your class (have fun with this and think outside the box...but within reason..no Vulcan mind meld)

Question 11: For this week's forum, we are exploring websites that check information for bias, misinformation, and possible fake news misinformation. Go to the following websites and review the methodology they use to test information for accuracy.

  • Our Process at FactCheck
  • Methodology at Media Bias/Fact Check
  • Transparency at Snopes

After you have looked over these websites and reviewed the methodology of each website, please answer the following:

  • Which website do you find has the best way to review information for accuracy?
  • Do any of these websites have any gaps in their methodology?
  • Why is it important for everyone to be able to evaluate information?

Question 12:

Compare and contrast helpful and destructive coping strategies that law enforcement personnel may use for managing their stress.  Explain how coping mechanisms to reduce stress can also potentially help officers in responding to a stressful situation in an ethical manner.

This week you will be discussing helpful and destructive coping strategies.  You can select any number of positive coping responses such as listening to music, discussing situations with a spouse or friend, hobbies, meditation, breathing, or others.  Negative coping strategies can include self-criticizing, eating too much, tobacco use, avoiding friends or family, or drugs.  If you need help, please reach out.

Question 13: Prisons and jails are both classified as correctional facilities, however, their missions and day-to-day operations can vary significantly. The types of offenders being held and the reasons for their incarceration are notably different.

In your initial response, compare and contrast the role of a prison warden with that of a jail administrator.

Describe some of the challenges of those administrative positions.

Question 14: A coworker insists that bad graphs do not exist and that all graphs are good. Search online for a "bad" graph.

  • Provide the link to the graph, a description of the graph, and an explanation regarding why you think the graph is "bad."
  • Then, using graphical perception as a foundation, describe a method that would be more efficient and/or effective to present and interpret the information.

Question 15:

i. Using the main assumptions of Classical Criminology and/or its more modern version known as Rational Choice Theory, what do you think are the most significant arguments for and against capital punishment?

As part of this Discussion Question, and after considering both sides, should capital punishment be abolished and or retained...and specifically why?

ii. After conducting your own research (e.g., via the online library, Internet, etc) regarding Classical Criminology and Positivist Criminology, which do you more closely prescribe to and specifically, why?

Question 16:

Part I: Explore how people in your field speak and write.

  • Go to the research guide for your program/major (or one that interests you, if you are undecided on your major).Look at the journals, websites, organizations in the guide. Examine how people write. Are they formal? Casual? Do they use jargon (language specific to the field)?
  • Go to an AI tool, such as ChatGPT. Type in a prompt that asks how people in your field write, such as "How do people in the sports medicine field write?"
  • Copy the info you get from the AI tool and paste it in your post.

Part II: Write your tips for communicating with persons in your field. Business Administration concentration in Business Project Management.

Combine what you found in the AI tool and what you found when you looked at items in the research guide. Write a paragraph of tips (advice) telling people how to write for those in your field.

Part III: Choose your topic.

Start thinking about a topic that you would like to explore in the final paper. Your topic should be a problem that interests you. It's best if your topic is related to your field of study (degree program). Simply state what the problem is and why it's important.

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