
Why is climate change a classic global problem


1. Carefully explain how environmental degradation can be regarded as a negativeexternality and explain how a Pigou tax such as a carbon tax might be used totackle such problems

2. Outline the Mac/Med approach to assessing the appropriate amount ofemissions abatement in an economy

3. Why is climate change a `classic' global problem? Assess the climate changeagreement at the UN Paris Conference in Dec 2015.

4. Assess the implications and recommendations of the Stern Report.

5. What are the advantages of cap and trade schemes? How successful has the EUemissions trading system been?

6. With reference to the `closed loop economy', outline the economic opportunities that sustainability and the policy response to environmental degradation may offer.

7. What do you understand by `Global Citizenship? How are the issues this raiseslikely to affect your labour market situation

8. Outline the principal features of Becker's Human Capital model, and assess its significance for individual decision making and for labour market policies.

9. Discuss the factors which influence a person's decision to migrate for work. Why is immigration such a delicate issue in the UK?

10. Assess the contribution of Becker's `taste for discrimination' model to our

understanding of discrimination.

Please choose any three questions and write about 500 words per question.

This assignment is very important. Please give your best! (Only answer 3 questions = Total 1500 words)

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Microeconomics: Why is climate change a classic global problem
Reference No:- TGS01818585

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