
Why is chinese exclusion detrimental for the nation what


Write a 5-page paper on 4 primary documents provided, must not use other materials and copy anything online. Write it in only three topics, finish the outline at attachment too.


While the passage of the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act may suggest that the U.S. was still actively advancing a socially hierarchical society based on race and nationality during the post-Civil War era, not all in the nation supported this ethos. In fact, many contested Chinese exclusion.

For this first paper write-up, you are given four primary documents, or documents created during the period under study, that showcase how some went about challenging Chinese exclusion. According to these documents, why is Chinese exclusion detrimental for the nation? What values would these individuals and/or groups like to see the nation promote?

A solid paper write-up contains:

• Introductory paragraph with a clearly articulated thesis statement
• Three body paragraphs with specific examples to support thesis statement
• Conclusion

All paper write-ups must be properly formatted:

• 12-pt Times New Roman font
• One-inch margins
• Page numbers (*Remember, the Title Page does not count as the first page of your paper)
• Double-space
• Spell-checked
• Footnote Citations
• Title page.

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History: Why is chinese exclusion detrimental for the nation what
Reference No:- TGS02675362

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