
Why is briefing necessary


Answer the following question in short explanation/definition 

1. The advantages and disadvantages of commonly-used qualitative research techniques
2. The advantages and disadvantages of the three basic methods of direct questioning as well as combination methods (e.g., Phone-mail)
3. The purpose of a questionnaire as a measurement instrument
4. The process of designing a questionnaire, the steps involved, and guidelines which much be followed at each step.
5. The major design differences between phone, mail, and personal interview questionnaires.
6. The appropriateness of the various data collection methods for addressing different populations and different measurement tasks
7. Sources of non-sampling error in the data collection process
8. The role of the marketing research professional as a consultant and his or her role in becoming the center of marketing information within the organization.
9. ESOMAR organization. Research management and ethical and legal constraints in marketing research. Interviewing children, mystery shopping, tape and video recording, customer satisfaction)
10. Qualitative approach - why and how? Choices. Sample design, moderation stages. Projective techniques. 
11. Describe a marketing research project from start to end
12. What services are part of full-services research companies portfolio
13. Why is briefing necessary? What information should be included in a brief?
14. Should members of focus groups be similar or different? Why?
15. Why are CAPI surveys more reliable than PAPI surveys?
16. What is nominal/ordinal/interval/ratio scale. Give examples
17. Advantages and disadvantages of web/phone surveys? 

Key terms 
Primary data
Secondary data
Internal and external data
Total error
Random sampling error and non sampling error
Systematic error
Measurement error
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Focus groups
Depth interview
Projective technique
Sampling frame
Mystery shopping
Measurement and scaling (ratio, nominal, ordinal, interval)
Likert scale
Semantic differential
Unstructured and structured questions
Double-barreled question, leading question, ambiguous words
Sampling frame
Non probability and probability sampling
Convenience sampling, judgmental sampling, quota sampling, snowball sampling  

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