Why is an understanding of development crucialto policy

1. Why is economics central to an understanding of the problems of development?

2. Why is an understanding of development crucialto policy formulation in developing nations? Doyou think it is possible for a nation to agree on arough definition of development and orient itsstrategies accordingly?

3. Why is a strictly economic definition of development inadequate? What do you understandeconomic development to mean? Can you give hypothetical or real examples of situations in which acountry may be developing economically but stillbe underdeveloped?

4. How does the concept of "capabilities to function help us gain insight into development goals andachievements? Is money enough? Why or whynot?

5. What forces may be at work in giving the Millennium Development Goals such a high profile ininternational economic relations?

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Microeconomics: Why is an understanding of development crucialto policy
Reference No:- TGS0999447

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