
Why is a broad range of media and news companies good


• Read this article posted on NPR's website that shows media companies that own smaller media companies that you would never guess were affiliated with.

• Next, take a look at this table. It is a chart of who owns different companies that publish newspapers, magazines, and also television channels. It is published by FreePress.net.

FreePress net is a non-profit organization that seeks to keep the media industry accountable and transparent in its business dealings related to media company consolidation. The organization also works to promote and advocate for net neutrality and bring public awareness to laws and policies that affect the way people are presented information by the news media. Be sure to view all of the tabs.

Answer the questions:

• Were there any company ownerships that surprised you? Did you find any media companies that you absolutely love or hate owned by a company you love or hate?

• Freepress org advocates strongly against media consolidation and is one of its missions. Media consolidation is when one large media company buys smaller ones and typically keeps the smaller company's name. Most of the time, you would not even notice if this happens unless you follow business news. This concept is one of the reasons FreePress net compiles data like the one shown in the spreadsheet and publishes it to bring public awareness and transparency to all organizations.

• Why do you think they put so much effort into this? Why is a broad range of media and news companies good for a free press and fair press vs. a few large companies owning all of them? Feel free to look around their website to get an idea of what, and how, they try to promote transparency and monitor the integrity of media/news corporations. You are also welcome to use content discussed in class as well.

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