
Why have anthropologists traditionally focused so much on

1. People of African descent in the U.S. are typically placed in one racial category while people of African descent in Brazil may be placed in any one of over forty different racial categories. This example demonstrates that racial categories:

a)are cultural constructs. b) are the same in every nation-state. c) differ according to latitude. d) differ according to longitude. e) always based on skin color.

2. According to the American Anthropological Association, all known human races:

a. Are categories without scientific meaning.   b. Are categories based on skin color.

c. Should only be studied by biological anthropologists. d. Are relevant in every culture.

e. Are categories the same everywhere by color.

3. For anthropologists, religion is best defined as

a. a set of beliefs about what is true and what is evil with reference to a transcendental force.

b. a set of beliefs that explains the instinctually correct with reference to a transcendental force.

c. monotheistic sets of beliefs.

d. a set of beliefs about what is true and what is evil with reference to ethnoscience.

e. a set of beliefs that explains the unexplainable with reference to ethnoscience.

4. Why have anthropologists traditionally focused so much on the study of foraging groups?

a. They are simple societies and so easy to study.

b. All humans were foragers for over 90% of human history.

c. They are exotic and interesting.

d. They are technologically simple and don’t complain about being photographed.

e. They are the best source for information on agricultural development.

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