
Why filamentous fungus is a logical first choice

Assignment task: You have recently discovered a novel protein (Protein X) expressed by human immune cells.

Your initial investigation shows that Protein X has the following characteristics:

  • Has 255 amino acid residues and a molecular weight of 35 kDa
  • Comprise a single polypeptide chain containing several internal disulphide bonds
  • Undergoes posttranslational modifications including N-glycosylation and proteolytic processing
  • Is secreted from activated immune cells
  • Aids the immune system to better fight infections

You evaluate that there may be a therapeutic/clinical potential of Protein X and therefore set out to produce this glycoprotein with an intension to later administer Protein X to immune compromised patients suffering from immune-deficiencies.

1. Your first strategy is to express Protein X in filamentous fungi i.e. Trichoderma reesei. Answer the following:

a) Why filamentous fungus is a logical first choice

b) The experimental steps (e.g. draw a diagram of an expression cassette and explain the parts)

c) The potential challenges involved with recombinant expression of Protein X in T. reesei

2. To your surprise you are seeing a poor yield of the active form of secreted Protein X from T. reesei.

a) Strategies for expressing Protein X with a reporter molecule that can be used to track the location of the protein with microscopy, flow cytometry and/or other techniques

b) A strategy to improve the yield and/or activity of recombinant Protein X

3. You predict that recombinant Protein X expressed in T. reesei carries N-glycans that differ from the natural glycosylation pattern of human Protein X and that this difference may affect the safety and therapeutic potential of Protein X. Discuss:

a) How glycomics can be used to test if your prediction is correct

b) How the N-glycosylation may impact the function of Protein X

c) A strategy to achieve more human-like glycosylation of recombinant Protein X

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Other Subject: Why filamentous fungus is a logical first choice
Reference No:- TGS03274669

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