
Why employees need cultural intelligence

Problem: Today's employees need cultural intelligence (CQ); that is, those key competencies that allow us to effectively interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds in all kinds of settings. Research has identified three competencies which are interdependent of each other to develop one's CQ:

1. Constant Awareness This competency refers to our ability to always be mindful or cognizant of oneself, others, and the cultural context. For example, this awareness allows us to tune into our biases at any given moment and how those biases reflect our cultural upbringing.

2. Cultural Understanding This involves exposing oneself to information about cultural differences and similarities and grasping what this information means as well as its significance.

3. CQ Skills. This refers to our ability to do something and do it well as a result of training, experience, and practice. Clearly, there is a difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it. As we practice and refine these skills, they become more automatic. Below is a link to a CQ self-assessment which will give you some insight into your current cultural intelligence. For this week's assignment, complete the CQ assessment, then provide 250-word reflection on what you learned about your cultural competence from this tool. Include why you think you scored well, or not so well, on each competency. Use examples of life experiences that may have given you an advantage, or disadvantage, in the development of each competency.

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Reference No:- TGS03424144

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