Why dont us consumers take advantage of the lower canadian

Fill in the blanks. Only the blanks.

Let’s suppose U.S. inflation is 7% and Canada’s inflation is 3%.

Further assume the U.S. dollar depreciates nominally about 4% relative to the CAD (meaning the CAD appreciates nominally approximately _______ % versus the USD

The U.S. is not necessarily going to import more from Canada just because Canada’s inflation is lower than the U.S.’s. Inflation is only one part of a two-part story.   

Why don’t U.S. consumers take advantage of the lower Canadian inflation?

Because the U.S. importer finds that buying CAD at a _________% higher price and then paying __________% higher prices for the goods than they did a year ago results in, effectively, a __________% increase in the cost of buying Canadian goods.

That’s the ____________ price increase the U.S. buyer sees at home! Importing from Canada is no less attractive (but no more either) than it used to be.

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Financial Management: Why dont us consumers take advantage of the lower canadian
Reference No:- TGS02752397

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