
Why does the viz seem to indicate otherwise


The Flights_data.twbx Tableau file contains information on all U.S. airline flights from 2010 and 2011. Create a Tableau worksheet to answer each of the following questions:

• A quick viz of flights over time shows a drop of more than 300,000 flights from 2010 to 2011: From your experience, you know that flight activity did not drop so significantly between 2010 and 2011. Why does this viz seem to indicate otherwise? Investigate flights over time in more detail to determine why these yearly numbers show such a large drop.

• You are interested in identifying dates that are particularly light in terms of travel. Are there particular dates over those two years that seem to experience substantially lower numbers of flights?

• Next, you want to know who operates the most flights. Is there one airline that operated more flights than any other single airline for each week in this dataset?

• You would also like to know which states tend to experience the longest departure delays. Create a map that visualizes the departure delay that you can expect in each origin state. Allow the user to filter by airline. You should use a divergent color scheme, i.e. one color for positive values and another color for negative values. Colors should become darker as the values increase.

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Assembly Language: Why does the viz seem to indicate otherwise
Reference No:- TGS03255971

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