
Why does the problem exist discuss the conceptual basis the

Research Paper Assignment -

Task 1: Problem Paper -

Select a current research problem related to the topics discussed in this course. When working with scholarly sources, you will often find research ideas in sections labeled "future work." Your course discussions to this point where you identified problems and/or unanswered questions can be a useful source for ideas for this assignment.

Write a problem statement paper that addresses the items below.

What is the problem that should be addressed with additional research (i.e. what is going wrong?)? Support the existence of the problem with at least three recent references. You must include a sentence in this section that begins with "The problem to be addressed by additional research is..."

What is the impact of the problem? That is, how are the victims (field of study, researchers, practitioners, industry, civilians, etc.) negatively affected by the problem, when is the problem evident, and where does the issue exist or become obvious? Provide an example of the problem in action or as experienced by those affected by it. Support the impact of the problem with at least three recent references.

Why does the problem exist? Discuss the conceptual basis, the nature of the problem, and outline of the problem as defined by the literature. Support underlying cause of the problem with at least three recent peer-reviewed references.

Something to remember:

A problem is something that is going wrong, which prevents scholars or practitioners from doing their jobs as effectively or as efficiently as they otherwise could. A problem is not any of the following:

  • A question (e.g., The problem to be addressed by additional research is how to improve understanding of requirements engineering)
  • A goal (e.g., The problem to be addressed by additional research is gaining a better understanding of requirements engineering)
  • A standard process or action that every software engineer must follow (e.g., The problem to be addressed by additional research is effective requirements engineering)

Task 1: Problem Paper Length: 2-3 pages.

Task 2: Research Proposal -

Based on the problem, write a research proposal that contains the following components.

Introduction & Background - This section will provide enough information so that the reader understands the general context, settings, and basis for the proposed research. A non-expert may read the proposal so ensure there is sufficient framing and discussion of the underlying concepts.

Problem Statement - This section will focus on the presentation of a literature-supported open research question or problem that must be addressed. Additional areas should include detailed discussions of its scope, nature, what the problem is, how it developed or evolved into a problem, why it is a problem, and a brief discussion as to the other works that establish it as a problem within the literature. You must include a sentence in this section that begins with "The problem to be addressed by additional research is..."

Purpose Statement and Research Questions - This section provides a concise definition of the goal of the study, what it will accomplish, what research questions will frame the study, and how the study will be measured (how you will define success and failure of the study, if applicable). Research questions should be open-ended and the answers should help you achieve your goal and work towards solving your problem. Include your research questions in a set of bullet points.

Literature Review - This section should detail the current state of the art in addressing the problem. What has been done already? It should take on the appearance of a funnel, beginning at the very broad and gradually narrowing down to more specific topics. Why is the current literature insufficient in addressing this problem?

Methodological Approach - A detailed explanation of how the study will be undertaken and how the goal will be achieved in terms of data collection and analysis. This should take the form of a discussion of the methodology used, each step, milestone, and an explanation of each. Include a discussion of the research ethics protocols you plan to adhere to while conducting your study. Ensure that the chosen approach is supported by the literature, as it cannot be based solely on opinion or experience. Your approach should not be simply to do more reading on a topic. If that is the case, then your literature review is incomplete. You should propose doing something about the problem you identified that will allow you to arrive at your stated goal.

Task 2: Research Proposal - Length: 10-15 pages.

Textbook - INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE TESTING by Paul Ammann and Jeff Offutt.

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Dissertation: Why does the problem exist discuss the conceptual basis the
Reference No:- TGS02744605

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