
Why does north korea want the bomb - how does north koreas

Students should answer the following questions

1. Why does North Korea want the bomb?

2. How does North Korea's possession of the bomb and delivery systems affect the balance of power in East Asia?

3. What options does the US have in dealing with North Korea, especially if North Korea has operational ICBMs(intercontinental Ballistic Missiles) capable of reaching the mainland?

Students should carefully read, Leon V. Sigel, "Getting What We Need From North Korea", Global lssues.The article provides Important background information about some of the problems in dealing with North Korea's nuclear arsenal and delivery system.

Also read Michael Mandelbaum, "How to Prevent an Iranian Bomb,"Global Issues:The article may provide an important model of how to deal with the nuclear threat posed by North Korea. Note, however, that an important difference is that Iran is not yet a nuclear weapon state, while North Korea already is a nuclear weapon state.

Students should also read the The Joint Declaration which was reached by South and North Korea on April 27, 2018.1t should be available on Google.

Article - How to prevent an Iranian Bomb - The case for deterrence by Michael Mandelbaum

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Term Paper: Why does north korea want the bomb - how does north koreas
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