
Why does murray feel that too many students are going to

Part 1-

My Struggles with Anti-Intellectualism by Paul Stoller


1. What is Stoller's objective with this essay? What point is he trying to convey?

2. Stoller notes that in the United States, there is a general bias against smart people ("We are suspicious of 'egg heads,' dreamers and 'pointy-headed' intellectuals."). Have you observed this view? As a college student, have you ever experienced this bias?

3. Why does Stoller recount his family background and economic status? How does his story connect to his point? Does it strengthen his argument? Why or why not?

4. Stoller notes that for many people, "if you go to college, which these days is a major investment of money, you do so to acquire the set of skills to get a good paying job end of story:' Respond to his observation.

Part 2-

What's Wrong with Vocational School? by Charles Murray.


1. Why does Murray feel that too many students are going to college? Why does he think this harms many students?

2. Murray's essay generated much controversy. He was accused of being "elitist" and of ignoring the benefits of a wider college-educated society. What do you think? Is he being elitist, or is he stating an uncomfortable truth-we unfairly devalue trade educations while elevating university ones?

3. This essay was written as part of a series for the Wall Street Journal. Does the content match the presumed audience? What assumptions based on readership does Murray make? Identify specific words/phrases/ideas in his essay that demonstrate how he writes to his audience.

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English: Why does murray feel that too many students are going to
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